Wednesday, October 15, 2008

How To Build A Roulette Table

  • Name of inhabitants: the Versailles
  • Census Date: 1999
  • Population: 85,726 inhabitants .
  • Area: 2382 ha

  • Origin of name: The name Versailles comes from the Latin Versar, "return", and by extension, "plowed fields, cleared."
  • Coat: The coat of arms Versailles is assigned by its General Assembly September 15, 1789. It has a two-headed rooster, which symbolizes the double duty of the municipality and the Guard to the king and the city.
The village of Versailles is the center of a large parish encompassing the fiefs and Clagny Glatigny north, one south of Satory.

family stately Versailles goes out before the end of the fifteenth century. After Lomenie then belonged to the Gondi, the manor was bought by King Louis XIII.
Versailles was then a village, with its ancient manor and church dedicated to St. Julien. Upon his accession to power, Louis XIV began to expand its domain and the castle built by his father, and develop a royal city. On a rational and systematic districts are created: the New Town, Old Versailles, Parc aux Cerfs. During the reign of Louis XVI, the town expanded with the incorporation of the suburb of Montreuil and the subdivision of the district Meadows, the first municipality is elected. Seat of political power since 1682, Versailles is the cradle of the Revolution in 1789. See
Following the History of Versailles on Topic Topos or wikipedia

Heritage View of Versailles: Versailles Conservatory

Trina Fancella Indiana

The Story of Versailles Meaux

  • Space: 1480
  • Population: 49,421
  • Census Date: 1999
  • Name of inhabitants: the Meldoise

  • Origin of name: the name of Melder, a Gallic tribe who settled on the site.
  • Blason : M is the initial of the city. The red could symbolize the martyrdom of St. Stephen, patron of the town. The upper, dotted with lilies, recalls the arms of France.
history of the town of Meaux dates back to Gallic times.
The agglomeration is located in a large basin running north-south, cut by the Marne in the plateau of Brie there, it has more than two thousand years.

The peninsula thus formed an ideal territory. Marne, permanent power source and protecting natural border against potential invaders. The wooded hillsides surrounding site, protected from northerly winds and the West.
The quality of these geographical factors explain the choice of the Gauls in the region to create this city.
The Melde was the name given to the inhabitants of the city in this period.
The city is going to experience a boost with the arrival of the Romans. Besides Caesar quotes in his History of the conquest of Gaul as the Iatinum. The passage of the Romans leave several large public buildings such as a theater ( Remains of Roman theater in Meaux ) a rampart ( Gallo-Roman at Meaux ) and towers (tower Arquebusiers ). In the late third century, the Gallo-Roman building at the south end of town sore a castrum to protect the inhabitants of barbarian invasions.

Iatinum lies at the crossroads of two ancient roads, which connects Chalons-en-Champagne in Paris, and one that connects Boulogne at Troyes, which also explains the rise of the city during the Gallo- Roman.

The result of the history of Meaux is available on the Topic or Topos on Wikipedia

You can see all the heritage of Meaux classified by theme:
Religious Heritage of Meaux ( Church of Meaux, Meaux Hall, Cathedral of Meaux ,...)
Heritage Memorial, votive and funerary Meaux ( Memorial Meaux ...)
Personalities Meaux
Palais de Meaux

Thursday, August 21, 2008

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Fountains France

Our current research led us to work on public fountains belonging to the heritage of France . Only in Island of France and Britain we have identified 170. A fountain

first place is a source (" Whitewater land coming out" as the first dictionary of the French Academy. This is the case of the mythical Fountain of Youth .

The fountain is made to collect the construction of water gushing from a source or supply-pressure or gravity - through a duct. ( "Fontaine said also of the whole body of architecture, which serves for Escoula, for ornament, for the game of the waters of a fountain .

These fountains have very often led once drinking water from a source located near the village population. now that's the water company of the era. this is the case of Fountain St. Martin to Saint-Brice-sous -Forest
Some fountains are connected to myths and stories as Fountain of love pontoise named after a local legend, in which Alix de Nesle meeting, the board source who was there, Beranger, the squire of his father. The latter, learning the association, made slay the lover of her daughter. Desperate, she takes the veil and became a nun at the Abbey of Maubuisson. Local tradition traces the building to the reign of Charles VI. The

Pontoise passage has a rich heritage in Must See. The rest soon

source: wikipedia-Topic Topos

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Bible Quotes And Relaxation

Chantier de Santa-Ana, Province of Entreri