Fountains France
Our current research led us to work on public fountains belonging to the heritage of France . Only in Island of France and Britain we have identified 170. A fountain
first place is a source (" Whitewater land coming out" as the first dictionary of the French Academy. This is the case of the mythical Fountain of Youth .
The fountain is made to collect the construction of water gushing from a source or supply-pressure or gravity - through a duct. ( "Fontaine said also of the whole body of architecture, which serves for Escoula, for ornament, for the game of the waters of a fountain .
These fountains have very often led once drinking water from a source located near the village population. now that's the water company of the era. this is the case of Fountain St. Martin to Saint-Brice-sous -Forest
Some fountains are connected to myths and stories as Fountain of love pontoise named after a local legend, in which Alix de Nesle meeting, the board source who was there, Beranger, the squire of his father. The latter, learning the association, made slay the lover of her daughter. Desperate, she takes the veil and became a nun at the Abbey of Maubuisson. Local tradition traces the building to the reign of Charles VI. The
Pontoise passage has a rich heritage in Must See. The rest soon
source: wikipedia-Topic Topos
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