Friday, February 27, 2009

Bath Mat No Suction Cups


The Lighthouse of Alexandria was built by architect Sostratus of Cnidus by order of Ptolemy II in the island of Pharos, opposite Alexandria. It was a huge tower on a huge flame which marked the position of the city to Mariners. It was built between 285 BC. JC. and 247 BC. JC. The Lighthouse
reached the 134 meters. It was formed of large blocks of glass, to prevent erosion caused by sea water The building was built on a platform built by a square base of marble blocks assembled with lead. In the highest part of the lighthouse a large metallic mirror reflected sunlight during the day, at night, he planned to light a huge flame that could be seen from a distance of fifty miles.
two earthquakes in 1303 and in 1323, destroyed completely the lighthouse. In 1480 the Sultan of Egypt Qaitbey built in place of the lighthouse remains a fortress.


The legend says that Sostrates, architect of the time, sought a way to create a material that can withstand water from the sea, he finally created a tower built on huge blocks of glass. Later an earthquake destroyed part of the lighthouse. Sostrates, humiliated, decided to destroy the lighthouse in the world.
But in fact the legend is based on the possible existence of the lighthouse. Many historians are trying to demonstrate whether the lighthouse actually really existed.

Website: The seven ancient wonders of antiquity Title: Lighthouse of Alexandria, [date: 02.23.2009]. Available: 27Alexandrie


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