The Colossus of Rhodes was a gigantic statue of the Greek god Helios. It was built on the island of Rhodes, Greece, in the third century BC. BC by the sculptor Charles of Lindos. Its construction lasted twelve years
It was made with bronze plaques on an iron base, the statue represented the Greek sun god, Helium. It measured 32 meters in height and weighed about 70 tons, similar dimensions to them to the Statue of Liberty.
The statue was destroyed in 227 BC. AD by an earthquake
It was made with bronze plaques on an iron base, the statue represented the Greek sun god, Helium. It measured 32 meters in height and weighed about 70 tons, similar dimensions to them to the Statue of Liberty.
The statue was destroyed in 227 BC. AD by an earthquake
Built to commemorate the god Helios, the story goes that in 305 BC. J.-C, Poliorcetes Demetrios, one of the successors of Alexander the Great, king of Macedonia, has made head-Ptolemy, king of Egypt. He had to seek the help of the inhabitants of Rhodes, but they refused to lend him aid, Demetrius decided to besiege the island.
After several attempts to force the city walls, Demetrius was killed and expelled by the fleet of Ptolemy. The leak had to be rushed and Demetrius had to abandon his weapons on the island. With these, the country got the money to build the giant iron to celebrate the victory.
They said that the robot was built at the harbor entrance, so that boats can enter the port without touching the statue. Unfortunately, 56 years later, an earthquake completely destroyed the statue
The seven wonders of antiquity. Title: The Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, [date: 02.27.2009]. Available:
IMAGE: / san_vicente/maravillas-mundo/images/coloso-Rodas-2.jpg
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