- The cod fishermen were fishing boats that were in the Cape Horners merchant vessels. The
Newfoundlander fished "the ropes" (long lines: lines with numerous hooks) on the Grand Banks, between Newfoundland and Canada. They are sometimes called Newfoundlanders, but rather concerns the appellation fishermen. from France, Portugal, the countries of northern Europe, Canada and the United States, it was great vessels: three-masted, or 4 poles, or large schooners. The fishing was not done from the ship, but small boats called dories .
Among the surviving vessels include the 4-masted schooner Portuguese Creoula ,
L e 3 masted schooner Palinuro , sail training and a former Italian codfisher Saint-Malo, named Commander Louis Richard.
The Canadian schooner Bluenose II is a beautiful replica . The French ships were especially Saint-Malo and Fecamp as homeport.
Smaller vessels were "Icelandic" ; the fishing was done aboard these boats. Many of these boats were German, Dutch or Scandinavia. The French ships were two-masted schooner, whose home ports were mainly Paimpol and Dahouët. the Star and Belle Poule, the French Navy are training vessels built on the model of these schooners, but there remains no schooner that fished Icelandic cod.
The whalers went hunting whales in the Arctic and Antarctic seas. hunting was done with a harpoon hand, from boats called whaling. Charles W. Morgan , preserved as a museum in the USA, is a good example. Artemis , cruising sailboat Dutch, is a former whaler motor (which was fishing harpoon gun), highly modified.
The herring of the North Sea were almost as large as the Icelanders, and often made of steel. Driftnet fishing (they are also called drifters i) they were very numerous in the Netherlands, Germany, England and the Scandinavian countries. They were sometimes equipped with a pool to keep the fish alive.
Sometimes rigged schooner, comm e Jantje , they most often sail ketch: Tekla , Lotos, Iris , etc..
Iris is a former Dutch herring steel.
Carmelan is a Danish ketch that has long practiced Lapêche and he is now sailing under the German flag.
trawlers (trawlers in English) fished at trawl : opening the yawning net was kept in line width with a long pole. This technique, still used in the Nordic countries (especially in Holland and Belgium), has been supplanted by the otter trawl, more convenient but require more engine power: it was fatal to trawlers sailing. Moreover, most of them were powered over the years.
Some English trawlers have been restored in their original condition, as Lowestoft ( Excelsior, Keewaydin ) on the coast of the North Sea, and Brixham, Devon ( Provident , Vigilance ). These trawlers from 20 to 30 m, usually made of wood, were rigged ketch.
Provident , rigged ketch, is one of the most famous Brixham trawlers.
In Britain, the tuna , rigged in Dundee, practiced the coastal trawling in winter.
Other boats were devoted primarily to trawling, such as bisquines ( The Cancalaise and The Granvillaise are two replicas of the boats),
of the Ugra Saint-Brieuc (the Grand Léjon is a replica) or in the Morbihan ( Belle Vilaine is a replica of the small trawlers). The large c haloupes sardine and pirates of Bono (whose name replica of Our Lady of Bequerel ) Trawls also in winter when the weather was manageable .
The practiced tuna trolling (lines carried by large booms) in the Bay of Biscay or beyond, between the Azores and Ireland. This fishery is practiced mostly from France (Basque Country, Vendee, Brittany) and Spain. The boats were first strong boats, then dundees 14 to 22 m. These dundees had in the 1930s, an arch back very long (the taxes were paid on the length of the keel and not on the bridge length). This is the case Biche , the last tuna Groix, currently in poor condition and awaiting reconstruction.
The hull Biche, Dundee Groix tuna in 2008. She was saved in extremis.
This vault back proved very dangerous in heavy seas behind. From 1940, she has been replaced by a round back (as Old Buddy ), an arch less inclined (as Nebula or The Morgatois ) or a great canoe like Mullein star. These forms were then taken back by fishing boats, motor or replaced with transom stern. Remember what was mentioned above: These ships were in fact, tuna trawler that fished by trawl during the winter. Some also practiced fishing dredge.
The tuna Camaret Nebula received a sail plan increased significantly during its restoration.
The Old Buddy , Dundee tuna Vendéen 1942.
The Star Mullein is an old wooden fishing boat converted into Dundee. Unlike most dundees this ship can, as a ketch, wear an arrow above the tapecul.
The sardine and maquereautiers smaller boats were more or less manageable Rowing: boats rigged with third parties (eg Telenn mor , ND Bequerel , sinagos as Crialeis ) lug to jigger (eg. Misc ) and cutters ( Walk with , La Belle Iloise are replicas), Brittany; Cornis pm luggeri Columbia Cornwall ( Our Daddy, I Guide , Gladys , etc.).
The Misc , a replica of lug Doëlan, Brittany South, he practiced various fisheries, but especially for mackerel.
Crialeis a sinago based at Ile aux Moines and the Gulf of Morbihan.
Gladys a lugger of Looe, Cornwall UK. (Cornish lugger)
faisaitsoit The fishing line (mackerel), or with drift nets ; At first they were wet and statements directly from the boat. Then, with the big boats and cutters, the operation of the net is made from an appendix: the role of the ship then became involved in transporting men, equipment and fish caught. The fish were attracted to the spawn, egg mixture to flour and salted cod that bouetteur thrown into the water.
can also include large boats b asci , who practiced all fisheries, fishing for sardines up to the cod and whaling (sometimes up Newfoundland), through the tuna, etc.. Brokoa is a reply very successful.
The lobster lobsters fished using pots, some with nets. First Coast and practiced by cutters (including Cape If zun is a replica) on the coasts of Britain and the British Isles, offshore fishing has become: it has led fishermen until 'in Portugal and in Mauritania where larger ships, rigged in dundees like Belle Etoile whose replica sailed from Camaret.
Cutter Sizun Cap is a replica of a lobster Audierne.
Dundee Belle Star is a replica of an offshore lobster boat Camaret.
Note that transport vessels fetched in excess lobsters. An exemption from these the hunting-tide-long course is the schooner Carrie of Camaret . All these boats were equipped with a pool to bring live lobsters.
The potters, smaller and lower range than crawfish, fished in conjunction with the lobsters, friends especially crabs, lobsters and shrimp. It was mostly cutters, such as lobster Loguivy (including Enez Koalen is a replica), or lug.
Enez Koalen replica of lobster Bocq Loguivy the Sea
These boats also practiced trammel net fishery, the longline, the igne bottom, or trolling in. ur pimps.
This small coastal fishing, versatile , shellfish and fish, was practiced a little everywhere on the French coast: in the Pas de Calais , in Normandy, and especially in Britain . On the shores Mediterranean, it was done with canoes fitted with a lateen sail, whose names are very changeable depending on location and according to construction details, for example: boat Catalan tray, the morra AROP, pointed Marseille ... This fishery has survived in many smaller ports where fishermen still sell their products directly to freshly used, but motorized boats are now ...
The shellfish picked oysters, Jacques scallops, clams, whelks and other shellfish, using their drague.On may include cutter shell of the Brest ( Shepherdess of Domremy , General Leclerc )
the Smacks of Essex in England,
the sinagos Gulf of Morbihan ...
this fishery is highly regulated, shellfish supplemented their income with other types of fishing (see above).
The bisquines (see above) of the Bay of Mont-Saint-Michel also hitting on oysters at a "trailer" that was held once a year; c ' was an opportunity for a spectacular sight, dozens of bisquines cancalaises Granvillaise and working together.
Above the 2 bisquines: Granvillaise the white and black Cancalaise .
The goémonniers cut and collect large kelp. Many between Brest and Paimpol, this was généralement de cotres, qui pratiquaient aussi la pêche à la coquille à certaines saisons.
Nous avons vu les principaux métiers de la pêche à la voile en Europe, et notamment en France. Il existe d'autres côtes où la pêche se pratiquait à la voile ; par exemple au Brésil sur les célèbres jangadas , ou aux Antilles avec les gommiers .
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